Sunday, May 29, 2011

Great weekends

Last Friday and Saturday (21 may to 22 may), i went to ACCA conference which was organized by our college's financial accounting club. i have no regret to participate in this camp because this camp is just so so so nice. Awesome!! i got to know many new friends and new seniors as well. Most importantly, i enjoyed myself over there with my group members and all my friends. And i was the team leader of my purple group in this camp. It's kinda funny but nice when the group name is created by using the nicknames of leader and assistant leader. My assistant named Milo. So, undoubtedly, our group name is Shine Milo. xD great name i guess.
At the end of the day, I hope i will be the one of the member of ACCA in future. But before that, realistically, i wish i'm able to be the one of the AFA student in Tarc =) I know this will be a tough way to go in AFA programme, but everything will be alright if the passion and determination are with me=) all the best!

26 may 2011(Saturday)
well, today i went to I-City with my gang of friends. Rain,Suan,Hhee and me are the main character today. haha.. Rain reached my house with his brand new Saga FL by 4pm. We reach there at about 5pm and we went to the Snowalk~ it was freaking cold inside the Snowalk buiding! it's just like being in the refrigerator as we cant feel our hand and keep shivering inside. But it was extremely nice to be with friends in this kind of place! we had fun, joke around and SNAP around. Specially thanks to our cameraman Hhee and his costly cool Nikkon camera=) and there are some games inside, and we all tried it.
After having fun in "refrigerator", we had our so-called "dinner" at KFC nearby. Around 7pm the sky is getting dark and all the man made trees are light on. it was simply colourful and breathtaking view with all of the lighting trees! we took alot of photos with all funny pose~ hahaha..
around 10pm, we depart to kota damansara to have Snowflakes as our supper. There was long queue outside of the shop but it's worth to wait for your turn. we ordered 4 diff types of snowflakes and we ate together. After enjoying all the snowflakes, Rain fetch us all back.

it ain't the end of the day.
at night i went to Spicy restaurant with friends for the grand UEFA champion league Final! it is the match of my favorited Manchester United against FC Barcelona. Both are the strongest and greatest team today. However, FC Barcelona are a class above and they beat Red Devils with the stunning result 3-1! MVP (Messi, Villa, Pedro ) of Barce scored and lead Barce to a glorious victory!
it's just so so enjoyable with friends all the time!
stay tuned=)