Wednesday, March 14, 2012

AFA Badminton Competition 2012

It has been almost 1 year i did not update my blog.. Almost forgot that i still own a blogger site xD
so i wish i'm able to update my blog consistently so that someone can understand more about my daily life more detailed.

Okay let's begin.
Nowadays our AFA committee are organizing a badminton competition among ourselves. Anyone in AFA can take part so do I. This time i feel like playing men-single since this is a golden opportunity for me to take part in badminton competition. So, i pay RM5 registration fees and jot down my name in the list of men single participation.

The first match i play against Simon, the president of AFA and also my diploma's classmate. Maybe due to the first match, i'm kinda nervous and did mistakes in that game. However, at last i won the game with the result of 21-16, 21-11.

Semi final i play against tenacious CK and finally i'm defeated 11-21, 21-23. Although fail to advance to the final, but i'm pretty happy and satisfied for playing such nice game with such great player. Generous spectators gave both of us a round of applause after the match point is grabbed by CK. Well Done dude!

3rd-place playoff, i play against Gek Seng and i defeated him after 3 sets 21-16, 19-21, 21-11. i won 3rd place and a "junk food" hamper as well =) and i have finished everything inside it with my classmates and sister! xD yummy~

That's all for my journey of AFA Badminton Competition =)