Friday, February 25, 2011

Memorable day


today morning my class has been cancelled. So dun nid to wake up tat early.. hehe! lazy la..

at 1pm went to skol to fetch her. At 1st i planned to go shopping and have lunch with her at 1U. After discussion, we decided to shopping at The Curve! =) Since last week we already went to 1U for the 1st time d. And had our lunch (a bowl of ABC only) at Old Asia Restaurant.. it was our 1st outing=D

Around 20 minutes later, we reached The Curve. She guide me all the way to there since i seldom drive myself to there. And she also suggest to park at Tesco since it is FOC to park at there.
haha! good good=) we walk around The Curve (for the 1st time for me) and we chat alot.. And took many photos as well(its all my idea! hahhaa!) After that we went to Ikea to eat Ice-cream~ she introduce and strongly recommend it since it is vy delicious and cheap~ just rm1 per cone loooo... We bough two cone and we enjoyed it at the spot. Yummy~~^^nice recommendation!

And the next we went to Pet Shop as well and then i suggest to take a look at furniture and design of room at Ikano. Haha, and again. We took some photo! hehe..

Time past vy past.. its time for lunch. We went to outdoor for lunch.. Again, it's raining day^^ i love it.. it seems everyime we meet there will be a raining session..HAHA! Since today we have 3 things to celebrate, i suggest to eat at the Garden. Ahem~it quite expensive though. hahhaa.. however,the environment over there is comfortable and so nice to have lunch over there. So, it worth la..=) We chat alot about our stuff..dying hair etc and i'm reli enjoyed to chat with her face to face since the chance is little.. i appreciate it^^

After that, we back to car park and fetch her to tuition class. As usual, she gave me a bookmark. But this time abit imperfect, as she wrote 8th instead of 7th. Anyway, it's okie for me.. +)

At night went for badminton and ping pong. I'm freaking in sports nowadays until almost everyday i'm involved in sports. Haha! shud be a good stuff for me perhaps? hahaha..
At nite, she send me a photo she likes it vy much.. and me too. It's natural and lovely~
Such a surprizing night ever since she sent me a msg at around 1am. I'm happy for that~ =D
A meaningful day for me and more to go i hope..
yea it will be =)
appreciate everyday^^

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bai Nian Qu~

Today is public holiday! morning went to my frend hse at DPC to bai nian^^
We play ps2 over there and have lunch there too. Delicious mee and rice=D yummy~~

after tat went to zhi wei hse to bai nian too. Have alot of fun with him! he is damn funny and humour.. hahaha.. laugh til drop tears T.T after that, went to my hse to bai nian lu..

At nite 3 of us went to eat at pork mee near Kepong. Haha.. at nite we cont chating until 9 something..

A meaningful day today for me ^^
hope i can always happy like 2day =D

Valentine Day 2011

14 Feb 2011, Valentine day.

At evening, i opened the letter she wrote for me which she past it to me on friday. Long-awaited moment to read the letter. And i'm vy touched to read the letter^^ thanks for that =D

Well, although cant celebrate with valentine, but still ok for me. As long as happy, everything is just alright =)

At nite went to my frend house to "bai nian". Who knows, wen i reached there only realized sing k is the main purpose for them. Hahaha.. so we sang til 5am and reached home at 6am sharp.
Such Valentine Day is already enough for me this year.
Hope nex year will be better^^

Saturday, February 5, 2011

3rd day of CNY

This afternoon we went for another movie in Jusco. Andy Lau and Gong Li's "我知女人心"

For me, this movie is quite funny=D and Andy Lau is just FUNNY in those funny scenes and looks ATTRACTIVE in those romantic scenes.. Btw, my parents don't reli like this movie.. Abit bored for them.

At nite we have our dinner at HENG LONG nearby Jusco. Same thing happen, we wait for 1 hour++ only the food is served. The only different thing is.. the food is much more delicious and the boss there is friendly and nice.. =)

After that reli boring at home.. Reli hope can sms with some1 that time.. But perhaps, i have expected too much.. Anyway hope next time everything will be better..

tat's all for 2day
to be continued

Friday, February 4, 2011

First and second day of Chinese new year

The time now is 3.30am, saturday. Lets start my blog about my chinese new year!

At the first day of cny(3 feb) we went to genting! and abit special for this year, we overnight at genting until the next day afternoon. Before depart, we went to grandma house for ANGPAUssss~ and have fun with cousins. After that, we walked back to our house since it is so near to prepare all those things that needed to be bring along. Well... this year a cousin "tumpang" our car as her dad's car is FULL. However, nothing different as she is a nice person, nice to chat with. Hope she would used to our talking style XD

First thing we did after reached Genting, Check in~ Meanwhile we went to HOU MEI to have our lunch there. Well, my bowl of roasted duck mee is very NICE! =p Yummy~~~ too bad i din take any photo as my hp is totally outdated! LOL..i guess it's time to change a new hp! soon...

Well, after tat we went to cinema to book tickets for SHAOLIN. Unlucky the stuff over there strictly not allow any kid to watch that movie. So..what to do? my 3 cousins had to sacrifice themselves. They decided to watch The Green Hornet. After that we went back to our room, settled everything and SLEEP!! ZZzzzzz..

The movie started at 7.40pm and we reached there in time=) before that we had our "dinner" at Hurry in Curry. My comment for the food there is Delicious but it is damn costly! It's ok, new year ma~~~ haahahaXD my dad used to say it..

The movie is absolutely amazing~ especially the main character Andy Lau. He is Cool and looks smart! Admire HIM so much~! ^^well,i have learned some moral through this movie btw=)

At night abit boring.. so i decided to walk around in First World. I as the leader, with my cousins and sis, went to "Ding ding cheong" to have fun. What a lucky day! My cousin accidentally pressed a button of a basketball machine, and we can play it WITHOUT paying any single cents! hahaXD and i'm just like a small kid while having fun! LOL.. Lastly, we used those tickets we won to exchange a key chain for my LUCKY cousin at the counter! You deserve it~!
And before i forgot, i bought a small delicate souvenir for myself and my DEAREST friend^^ hope she likes it.

The next morning before we check out, we went for Motion Master! Haha, quite boring for me.. But it is the 1st time i experience 3D effect~ After, back to home. Home Sweet Home~^^

Afternoon we went to grandma(mum'side) to bai nian. As usual,we got angpao there ($.$) and gamble as well~! Well, my luck not that good for this year i guess.. Loss for 1st time><" Anyway, as long as HAVE FUN in that, it's alright. Around 6 we went to 1U for movie,Great Day. But too bad.. only 1st line left so we cancelled our initial plan><><" Too bad...

Reach home after that.. on9 until now..
TOooo boring..what to do? @@
so tat's all for my CNY trip.
To be continued..=)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

My 1st blog

Well, great moment now as today is the 1st day of Chinese New Year 2011! Wohoho~~
So..have decided to open a new blog. Just hope that i'm able to record down every single meaningful thing start from this year onwards..

the time now is 2.20am and just finish "jie cai shen" and now im alone infront of pc investigating the function of blogger! Gosh.. cant believe it! Just realize i have a blog account since 2009! Haha..almost forget about it.. Anyway, this will be my brand New blog! =D

such a wonderful opening..
until here for the 1st time
to be continued..=)